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Health & Safety Plan Free Download4

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by xicorconmi1989 2021. 4. 29. 05:45


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Related to health: Men's health, Women's health, health band


1. The overall condition of an organism at a given time.
2. Soundness, especially of body or mind; freedom from disease or abnormality.
3. A condition of optimal well-being: concerned about the ecological health of the area.
4. A wish for someone's good health, often expressed as a toast.
[Middle English helthe, from Old English hǣlth; see kailo- in Indo-European roots.]


(hɛlθ) n
1. (Medicine) the state of being bodily and mentally vigorous and free from disease
2. (Medicine) the general condition of body and mind: in poor health.
3. the condition of any unit, society, etc: the economic health of a nation.
4. a toast to a person, wishing him or her good health, happiness, etc
5. (modifier) of or relating to food or other goods reputed to be beneficial to the health: health food; a health store.
6. (modifier) of or relating to health, esp to the administration of health: a health committee; health resort; health service.
an exclamation wishing someone good health as part of a toast (in the phrases your health, good health, etc)


1. the general condition of the body or mind with reference to soundness and vigor: in poor health.
2. soundness of body or mind; freedom from disease or ailment: to lose one's health.
3. a polite or complimentary wish for a person's health, happiness, etc., esp. as a toast.
[before 1000; Middle English helthe, Old English hǣlth. See hale1, whole, -th1]


See also disease and illness.

the absence of pain. — analgesic, analgetic,adj.
Medicine. diagnosis of a condition on the basis of its resemblance to other conditions.
the use of friction, especially rubbing, in therapy or as a remedy.
the absence of physical sensation. — anesthesiologist, anaesthesiologist, anaesthetist,n.anesthetic, anaesthetic,n., adj.
the destruction of microorganisms that cause infection. — antiseptic,adj.
the process of preventing the growth or spread of bacteria. — bacteriostat,n.bacteriostatic,adj.
general physical or mental poor health; weakness or malnutrition.
Medicine. an unhealthy condition, especially an imbalance of physiologic or constitutional elements, often of the blood. Cf. eucrasia.dyscrasic, dyscratic,adj.
the formation of scar tissue as part of the healing process. — epulotic,adj.
1.Medicine. a normal state of health; good health.
2. physical well-being. Cf. dyscrasia.eucrasic, eucratic,adj.
a condition of good digestion. — eupeptic,adj.
the theory of the achievement and maintenance of good health. — evectic, euectic,adj.
any substance for killing germs, especially bacteria. — germicidal,adj.
a hygienist.
Rare. hygienics. Also called hygiantics.
1. the branch of medical science that studies health and its preservation; hygiene.
2. a system of principles for promoting health. — hygienist,n.hygienic,adj.
Rare. the science of hygiene; hygienics.
1.Psychiatry. an abnormal state characterized by emotional depression and imagined ill health, often accompanied by symptoms untraceable to any organic disease.
2. excessive concern and conversation about one’s health. Also called hypochondria, nosomania. — hypochondriac,n.hypochondriacal,adj.
Obsolete, a state of good health; strength.
the gradual process of a disease, ending in the recovery of the patient. See also cells. — lyterian, lytic,adj.
protection from or prevention of disease. — prophylactic,adj.
Rare. the state or condition of being curable; susceptibility to remedy. — sanable,adj.
Rare. 1. a treatise on health.
2. the science of attaining and maintaining good health. — soteriological,adj.
preventive or preservative treatment or measures; prophylaxis. See also ethics.
the state or quality of having good muscular tone or tension. — tonic,adj.
an abnormal fear of vaccines and vaccination. Also called vaccinophobia.
1. a condition of poor health.
2. a state of being concerned with health, often excessively.
3. invalidism. — valetudinarian,n., adj.


See Also: PAIN

Health Insurance

  1. As clean and strong and healthy as a young tree in the sun —Hugh Walpole
  2. (Has a heart) as sound as a bell —William Shakespeare
  3. Drug addiction is like a light that doesn’t shine —Cardinal John O’Connor, speaking at New York City ceremony to fight drug addiction, August 8, 1986
  4. Felt like the symptoms on a medicine bottle —George Ade
  5. (Looking) fit and taut as a fiddle —Robert Louis Stevenson
  6. (I feel as) fit as a bull moose —Theodore Roosevelt to newspaper reporters
  7. Fit as a fiddle —John Ray’s Proverbs

    This is the most famous of the many “Fit as” comparisons. A modernized extension by novelist Geoffrey Wolff: “Fit as an electric fiddle.”

  8. (You’re looking this morning as) fit as a flea —Henry James
  9. Gobbled pills like a famished chicken pecking up corn —Dale Kramer
  10. [Narrator’s father] gradually sank as if he had a slow leak —Oliver Sacks
  11. Healthy as a kayaker —Richard Ford
  12. Healthy as a steer —Thomas Zigal
  13. A healthy body is the guest-chamber of the soul, a sick, its prison —Francis Bacon
  14. Hones himself down [to stay in top physical condition] sharper than a Gillette blade —Norman Keifetz
  15. It is better to lose health like a spendthrift than to waste it like a miser —Robert Louis Stevenson
  16. No neurotic is cured, he merely substitutes one set of neuroses for another. Like a man who stops biting his fingernails only to start scratching his head —Margaret Millar
  17. Pent-up resentment, aggression and hostility are as bad for health as constipation —George Garrett
  18. Radiate health and good will like a red-hot stove —Robertson Davies

    See Also: KINDNESS

  19. Sickness fell upon me like an April cloud —Edward Marsh
  20. So far as ailments went, Uncle Horace was like an insatiable gardener confronted by a seedsman’s catalogue. He had only to get news of an untried specimen to have a go at it —Howard Spring
  21. Sound as a bell of brass —Anon

    According to Larry Gottlieb, a one-time handicapper for the New York Morning Telegraph, this expression used to assay a thoroughbred up for sale is the most commonly used simile in racing circles. It was introduced in England during the nineteenth century.

  22. Sound as a nut —Mazo De La Roche
  23. Temperature as high as a tree —Mary Lee Settle
  24. Unhealthy as the liver of a goose intended for pate —Israel Zangwill
Noun1.health - a healthy state of wellbeing free from disease; 'physicians should be held responsible for the health of their patients'
eudaemonia, eudaimonia, upbeat, wellbeing, well-being, welfare - a contented state of being happy and healthy and prosperous; 'the town was finally on the upbeat after our recent troubles'
2.health - the general condition of body and mind; 'his delicate health'; 'in poor health'
condition, status - a state at a particular time; 'a condition (or state) of disrepair'; 'the current status of the arms negotiations'


1.condition, state, form, shape, tone, constitution, fettleAlthough he's old, he's in good health.
2.wellbeing, strength, fitness, vigour, good condition, wellness, soundness, robustness, healthiness, salubrity, halenessIn hospital they nursed me back to health.
wellbeingdisease, illness, weakness, sickness, frailty, debility
3.state, condition, shapeThere's no way to predict the future health of the banking industry.
'Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity' Constitution of the World Health Organization


nounThe condition of being physically and mentally sound:
haleness, healthiness, heartiness, soundness, wholeness.
sveikatasveikatos apsaugasveikatos priežiūros organizacijasveikumas
būt pie labas/sliktas veselībasveselībaveselības stāvoklis
sức khỏe


A.Nsalud f
to be in good/bad healthestar bien/mal de salud
he was granted early retirement on grounds of ill healthle concedieron la jubilaciónanticipada por razones de salud
good health!¡(a tu) salud!
to drink (to) sb's healthbebera la salud de algn, brindar por algn
Minister of HealthMinistro/a m/f de Sanidad
Ministry of HealthMinisteriom de Sanidad
Department of Health and Human Services (US) → Ministeriom de Sanidad y Seguridad Social
B.CPDhealth authorityNadministraciónfsanitaria
health benefitN (US) → subsidiom de enfermedad
health careNasistenciafsanitaria, atenciónfsanitaria
health centre, health center (US) Ncentrom de salud, centrommédico
health clubNgimnasiom
health educationNeducaciónfsanitaria
health farmNcentrom de adelgazamiento
health food(s)N(PL)alimentosmpldietéticos, alimentosmplnaturales
health food shopNtiendaf de alimentosdietéticos, herbolariom
health hazardNpeligrom para la salud, riesgom para la salud
it's a health hazardpresenta un peligroor un riesgo para la salud
health insuranceNsegurom de enfermedad, segurommédico
health problemN (personal) → problemam de salud; (public) → problemamsanitario
health resortN (= spa) → balneariom; (in mountains) → sanatoriom
Health ServiceN (Brit) → Serviciom de Sanidad, Serviciom de Salud Pública
see alsonationalHealth Service doctorNmédicomde laSeguridad Social
health spaNbalneariom
health visitorNauxiliarmf sanitario/a (en asistencia domiciliaria)
see alsoprofessionalB2


Her health has never been very good → Sa santé n'a jamaisététrèsbonne.
to be restored to health → être guéri(e)
to be bad for one's health → être mauvais(e) pour la santé
to be good for one's health → être bon(ne) pour la santé
to be in good health → être en bonne santé
to be in good physical health → être en bonne formephysique
to be in poor health → être en mauvaise santé
sexual health →
to drink to sb's health, to drink sb's health → boireà la santé de qnDepartment of Health
(= prosperity) [organization] → santéfHealth Authority n(British)administrationfrégionalede lasantépubliquehealth care
modif [system, service] → de sécuritéfsociale; [reform, costs] → des services de santéhealth care worker nmembremf des services de santéhealth centre n(British)centremmédicosocialhealth check n (= examination) → visitefmédicale; (more thorough)bilanm de santéhealth club nclubm de remise en formehealth-conscious [ˈhɛlθkɒnʃəs]adjsoucieux/euse de sa santéhealth drink nboissonfénergisantehealth education néducationf pour la santéhealth farm nétablissementm de remise en formehealth food nalimentmdiététiquehealth food shop (British)health food store(US)nmagasinm de produitsdiététiques


Gesundheitf; (= state of health)Gesundheitszustandm; in good healthgesund, bei guterGesundheit; in poor healthnichtgesund, bei schlechterGesundheit; state of healthGesundheitszustandm, → Befindennt; how is his health?wie geht es ihm gesundheitlich?; to regain one’s health → ; at least we still have our healthwenigstens sind wir immer nochgesund; to enjoy good healthsich guterGesundheit(gen)erfreuen; to suffer from poor or bad healthkränklich sein; to be good/bad for one’s healthgesund/ungesund orgesundheitsschädlich sein, der Gesundheit(dat)zuträglich/nichtzuträglich sein; poverty can cause poor healthArmut kann zu schlechterGesundheitführen; health and safety regulationsArbeitsschutzvorschriftenpl; Ministry of HealthGesundheitsministeriumnt; I’m not just doing it for the good of my health(inf)ich mache das doch nichtbloß aus Spaß(inf); he stressed the health benefits of regular exerciseer betonte, wie gutregelmäßigeBewegung für die Gesundheit sei
to drink (to) somebody’s healthauf jds Wohl(acc)orGesundheit(acc)trinken; your health!, good health!zum Wohl!, auf Ihre Gesundheit!


Health and Safety Executive
Health and Social Services
pl (US) das amerikanische Gesundheits- und Sozialministerium
health authority
health care
nGesundheitsfürsorgef; home health aid(mobiler) Helfer/(mobile) Helferin für häuslichePflege
health centre (Brit) n
(keep-fit) → Fitnesscenternt
health certificate
health check
health club
health education
health farm
health food
health food shop (Brit), health food store (esp US)


health inspector
health insurance


: health problem
nto have healthsgesundheitlicheProbleme haben; he retired because of healthser trat ausgesundheitlichenGründenin denRuhestand

Gnc Health Store

health resort
Health Service
n (Brit) the healthdas Gesundheitswesen; health doctorKassenarztm/-ärztinf
health studio
health visitor
n (Brit) → Sozialarbeiter(in)m(f) (in der Gesundheitsfürsorge)
health warning
n (on cigarette packet) → (gesundheitlicher) Warnhinweis


[hɛlθ]n (gen) → salutef
Ministry of Health → ministero della Sanità
Health Minister → ministro della Sanità
Department of Health → ministero della Sanità
to be in good/bad health → essere in buona/cattivasalute
to drink sb's health → berealla salute di qn
your health! → (alla tua) salute!


(helθ) noun
1. the state of being well or ill. He is in good/poor health. gesondheid صِحَّه здраве saúde zdraví die Gesundheit sundhed; helbred υγεία, φυσική κατάσταση salud tervis تندرستی terveydentila santéבריאות स्वास्थ्य zdravlje egészség kesehatan heilsa salute 健康状態 몸의 상태 sveikata būt pie labas/sliktas veselības kesihatan gezondheidhelse, helbredzdrowie روغتيا ، جوړتيا ، تندرستى saúde sănătate здоровье zdravie zdravje zdravlje hälsa, hälsotillstånd สุขภาพ sağlık 健康 здоров'я صحت کا حال tình trạng sức khỏe 健康
2. the state of being well. I may be getting old, but so long as I keep my health, I'll be happy. gesondheid, welstand عافِيَه здраве saúde zdraví der Gesundheitszustand helbred υγείαsalud tervis سلامتی terveys santéבריאות शारीरिक दशा zdravlje egészség sehat heilsa salute 健康 건강 상태 sveikata veselība kesihatan gezondheidhelse, sunnhetzdrowie روغتيا saúde sănătate здоровье zdravie zdravje zdravlje hälsa สภาพร่างกาย sağlık, sıhhat 健康狀況 гарне самопочуття صحتمندی sức khoẻ 健康状况
ˈhealthy adjective
1. (generally) having good health. I'm rarely ill – I'm really a very healthy person; My bank balance is healthier now than it used to be. fiks, gesond صَحيح ، صِحّي здрав saudável zdravý gesund sund; rask υγιήςsano terve تندرست terve en bonne santéבריא स्वस्थ zdrav egészséges sehat heilbrigður in salute, sano 健康な 건강한 sveikas veselīgs; vesels; labs sihat gezondsunn, friskzdrowy روغ ،جوړ saudável sănătos здоровый zdravý zdrav zdrav frisk, sund ที่มีสุขภาพสมบูรณ์ sağlıklı, sıhhatli 健康的 здоровий صحتمند khoẻ mạnh 健康的
2. causing or helping to produce good health. a healthy climate. gesond مُفيد للصِّحَّه здравословен saudável zdravý heilsam sund υγιεινόςsaludable tervislik سالم terveellinen salubre מַברִיא अच्छे स्वास्थ्य में मददगार zdrav, koristan za zdravlje, povoljan egészséges menyehatkan heilnæmur, styrkjandi salubre, salutare 健康によい 건강에 좋은 sveikas veselīgs; dziedinošs menyegarkan heilzaamsunnzdrowy روغ saudável benefic (pentru sănătate) полезный zdravý zdravilen zdrav hälsosam ซึ่งมีประโยชน์ต่อสุขภาพ sağlığa yararlı 有益健康的 корисний, цілющий صحت بخش có lợi cho sức khoẻ 有益健康的
3. resulting from good health. a healthy appetite. gesond دالٌّ على الصِّحَّه здравословен saudável zdravý gesund god γερός, υγιήςbueno hea سالم terveellinen robuste - בָּרִיא अच्छे स्वास्थ्य के नतीजे में zdrav, dobar egészséges sehat hraustlegur forte 健康な (식욕이) 왕성한 geras, sveikas veselīgs baik gezondfrisk, stor, kraftigzdrowy روغ saudável sănătos здоровый zdravý zdrav zdrav god, frisk, sund ซึ่งมีสุขภาพดี sağlıklı, olumlu 顯示健康的 здоровий صحت مند sức khoẻ tốt 反映健康的
4. showing a sensible concern for one's own well-being etc. He shows a healthy respect for the law. gesond سَليم، منطقي здравословен salutar zdravý heilsam fornuftig; sund υγιής, σωστόςsano terve خوب terve salutaireבריא किसी की भलाई इत्यादि के प्रति चिंता जताना normalan, zdrav egészséges, természetes sehat heilbrigður salutare 健全な (정신적으로) 건전한 sveikas, protingas veselīgs; stiprs wajar verstandigsunnzdrowy, rozsądny جوړ salutar salutar, cuvenit уважительный zdravý koristen (zdravju) velik sund, förståndig ซึ่งสมบูรณ์ yapıcı, iyi 對個人福祉相當關注的 здоровий معقول nghiêm túc 相当大的,对个人福祉相当关注的
ˈhealthiness noun
gesondheid صِحَّه، عافيَه здравословност saúde zdravost die Gesundheit sundhed υγείαsalud tervis(likkus) تندرستی terveys salubritéבריאות स्वस्थता zdravlje egészség(es volta vkinek) kesehatan heilnæmi salubrità 健全さ 건강함 sveikumas veselīgums sihatnya gezondheidhelse, sunnhet dobre zdrowie جوړتيا saúde (stare de) sănătate благотворное влияние zdravosť, zdravie zdravje zdravost friskhet, sundhet, hälsosamhet ความมีสุขภาพดี sağlığa yararlılık, sıhhîlik 健康良好 корисність; цілющі якості صحت مندی sự khoẻ mạnh 健康
ˈhealth maintenance organization noun
(abbreviation HMO) (American) a system of health centers providing medical treatment, preventive care and hospitalization to its paying members. gesondheidhandhawingsorganisasie منظَّمة الصِّحَّة العالميَّه здравна система plano de saúde zdravotní služba die Krankenkasse sygeplejeorgansiation ιδιωτικό σύστημα υγείας Seguro Médico Global tervishoiuorganisatsioon برنامه بیمه سلامتی terveydenhuoltojärjestelmä Structures de soins développées aux Etats-Unis sous la forme de coopératives d'assurances médicales et de distribution de soins médecins-hôpitaux אִרגוּן בְּרִיאוּת, קוּפָת חוֹלִים स्वास्थ्य रख-रखाव संगठन Zavod za zdravstveno osiguranje közgyógyellátás semacam Askes (asuransi kesehatan) (ente sanitario americano) 会員制の健康維持協会 (미) 건강 관리 의료 단체 sveikatos priežiūros organizacija veselības aizsardzības organizācija (ASV) Organisasi Pengekalan Kesihatan ziekte(kosten)verzekering sykeforsikringsselskap opieka zdrowotna روغتیا بیمه پروګړام организация медицинского обеспечения organizácia pre starostlivosť o zdravie samoplačniška zdravstvena organizacija američka zdravstvena organizacija privat hälsovårdsorganisation องค์กรเสริมสร้างสุขภาพ Sağlık Hizmet Kurumu 保健組織 організація медичного забезпечення صحت کی نگہداشت کی تنظیم tổ chức duy trì sức khoẻ 保健组织,卫生维护组织
health service

Health And Safety Plan Requirements

(the organization which runs) all the medical services of a country which are available to the public. gesondheidsdiens خِدْمَة صِحِّيَّه здравна система serviço de saúde státní zdravotnictví der Gesundheitsdienst den offentlige sygesikring σύστημα υγείας servicios sanitarios tervishoiuteenistus خدمات درمانی terveyspalvelut service de la santé שֵׁרוּתֵי בְּרִיאוּת स्वास्थ्य सेवा zdravstvena služba társadalombiztosítás dinas kesehatan heilbrigðisþjónusta servizio sanitario 公共医療 공공 의료 서비스 sveikatos apsauga veselības aizsardzība perkhidmatan kesihatan gezondheidszorghelsevesen służba zdrowia د روغتیا خدمات serviço de saúde (serviciile de) asis­tenţă medicală здравоохранение zdravotná služba zdravstvena služba zdravstvene usluge hälsovård, sjukvård การบริการด้านสุขภาพ sağlık hizmetleri 保健服務(機構) служба охорони здоров'я صحت کی خدمات سے متعلق تنظیمیں dịch vụ y tế 公共医疗卫生服务(机构)
drink (to) someone's health
to drink a toast to someone, wishing him good health. op iemand se gesondheid drink يَشْرَبُ في صِحَّةِ فُلان، يشربُ نَخْبَ فُلان вдигам тост за beber à saúde pít na zdraví auf das Wohl von ... trinken skåle for πίνω στην υγειά κπ. beber a la salud de alguien (kellegi) terviseks jooma به سلامتي كسي نوشيدن juoda malja jonkun terveydeksi boire à la santé de “לְחָיִים!” जाम-ए-सेहत पीना nazdraviti nekomu, piti u necije zdravlje az egészségére iszik menyulang skála fyrir bere alla salute di 乾杯する 건강을 위해 축배를 들다 išgerti į kieno nors sveikatą uzdzert uz kāda veselību minum ucap selamat utk sso toasten op, een toast uitbrengen op drikke en skål for wypić czyjeś zdrowie د چا په سلامتی جام پورته کول beber à saúde a bea în sănătatea cuiva пить за чьё-л. здоровье piť na zdravie nazdraviti komu piti u nečije zdravlje dricka ngns skål, skåla med ngn ขอดื่มให้กับ birinin sağlığına/sıhhatine içmek 為某人健康乾杯 пити за чиєсь здоров'я کسی کی اچھی صحت کی دعا کرتے ہوۓ جام پینا nâng cốc chúc sức khoẻ 为某人健康干杯


صِحَّة zdraví helbredGesundheitυγείαsalud terveyssanté zdravljesalute 健康 건강gezondheidhelsezdrowiesaúdeздоровье hälsa สุขภาพsağlık sức khỏe健康


n. salud; [government]
dental ___higiene dental;
Department of ___Ministerio de Salud o Salubridad;
___ and medical assistanceasistencia médico-sanitaria;
___ authoritiesautoridades de Sanidad;
___ care providerprofesional de atención de la ___;
___ care systemsistema sanitario;
___ centercentro de ___, centro de higiene sanitaria;
___ educationeducación médica;
___ foodalimento sano;
___ lawsestatutos sanitarios;
___ personnelprofesionales médicos y de asistencia pública;
___ planningplaneamiento de métodos de ___;
___ risk assessmentevaluación de riesgo sanitario;
___ services for the agedservicios de ___ a los ancianos;
___ statisticsestadísticas de ___ salud mental;
home ___ carecuidado de ___ en el hogar;
occupational ___atención médica laboral;
uncertain ______ precaria;
  • I have health insurance (US)
    I have private health insurance (UK)


n salud f, sanidad f (esp. Esp); — careV. health carecomo artículo independiente; — enthusiast naturista; mental — salud mental; occupational — salud ocupacional or laboral; public — sanidad or salud pública; women’s — salud de la mujer

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